Tuesday, November 14, 2006

We've (Del Mar College Community) got far too many coverups that are occuring

CORPUS CHRISTI - Taxpayers and faculty at Del Mar College put the Board of Regents in the hot seat Tuesday, demanding an administrative change. And college president, Dr. Carlos Garcia, had a few words to say about the situation.
Questions concerning the administration's actions on a student government event that got out of hand made front page headlines in Del Mar's student newspaper. That was just one of the topics causing a rough start to the monthly Board of Regents meeting.

"We've got far too many coverups that are occuring," Del Mar professor, Jerry Sansing, said.

Sansing was one of three Del Mar professors who faced the board and Garcia during the public comments portion of the meeting, expressing disagreement with how the pending sexual harassment lawsuits involving Garcia are being handled. The professors accused the board of not acting in the best interest of the students.
"I have considered what devilish forces might be at work to produce this sorry state of affairs, and certainly among them, I include the managerial routine at the upper levels of administration in the college," another professor, Ken Weatherbie, said.
But Garcia had an opinion, as well.
"We have a handful of individuals in the community, who are just very much interested in tearing this community college down," Garcia said. "Again, I apologize for those individuals, especially our staff, who chose to divulge private information and be very destructive."
In closed session, the board was also set to discuss the employment, evaluation and reassignment of Garcia, but no action was taken.
6 news learned that Garcia's three-year contract ends next June. He is up for a semi-annual evaluation in January. The four new board memers will be sworn in on Tuesday.
